Sunday 15 February 2009

unanswerable question (that has an answer)

I heard this the other day and I had to show you it.......... (its not real)

a man and his son were involved in a car crash,
quite a bad one. the father was killed instantly, the son was
badly hurt. He was rushed into hospital, where the doctor said: 
I can't operate on him, he's my son.
hows that possible?

the doctor was his mum - this is to test how sexist you are.... 
or something along those lines 

Talking of sexism......... 


I found this on the internet the other day:

Beautiful eh?

oh and I might make another blog about cars, so that car bores like me can have a er..... yet another blog about cars. (and so normal folk can read my 'gripping' blog without having to put up with me showing you a new car every other post)

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