Saturday 21 February 2009

Random internet stuff

Isn't the internet amazing (how old do I sound now?!), seriously, just look at all the useless, but interesting, rubbish you can find...... (If you disliked my last youtube post thing, then you gonna hate this)

The voice of the tube Got fired for this......
Tough questions Good luck
Amazing lego I wish I made that
Cyclists Nutters
Line rider Worth trying (Line flyer is the best) 
A big spanish castle In black and white....... or is it? 
Bunnies Who've had enough
Batman Gets a parking ticket
Quotes 12 of them
T shirt With writing on it
Very strange music Click on listen in the top (right) corner, and then..... er  listen (its so strange, I like it, sort of)

I also like this......

After all this, we have reached THE END

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