Saturday 21 March 2009


This time next week, I'll be there.

Harlech is small village / town in Wales, Its most famously know for its castle (which is annoying when your trying to find pictures of Harlech and thats the only thing that comes up). Harlech is much more than its castle though, I love going to shell island. Given the name, you would be forgiven for thinking its all about shells. and you would have a point. The thing I remember about it, is the sand dunes, they're massive. I can barely get to the top of them. Its great fun trying though. 
  My aunt owns a bungalow in Harlech, because its high up one of the many harlech hills, it has an amazing view looking across shell island and the bay. so you can watch from the warmth and comfort of your chair as the sun sets.
  Then, a week after I've been to Harlech and back, its my easter holidays (yay!). With my birthday somewhere in the middle of my two weeks off.

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