Tuesday 31 March 2009


I'm back! I had a great weekend, went on a steam train, which was full to the brim with cauliflower heads. It was kinda scary (not because of the cauliflower heads), the train was only a couple of centimeters away from falling down a massive cliff. 
Then on sunday I got to watch the grand prix as the sun rose over shell island, great result (if you haven't got a clue what I'm talking about, read/look at these).
  Its my birthday soon (yay!) I can't wait, the only problem is, I can't think of anything to ask for (any suggestions?). So I'm looked online, and I've found a few great websites for punk/retro/emo/mod/mosher (etc. etc.) clothes... 

Sunday 22 March 2009

youtube downloader thingy

Check out this website, it allows you to download youtube videos without having to sign up to youtube. For many of you this might not be so impressive, but for me its great. I've been trying to download videos for ages (a whole week in fact), so this is fantastic. Its great for you as well because you don't have to follow a link to youtube if I want to show you a video. I can just put it on the page. for example:

Saturday 21 March 2009


This time next week, I'll be there.

Harlech is small village / town in Wales, Its most famously know for its castle (which is annoying when your trying to find pictures of Harlech and thats the only thing that comes up). Harlech is much more than its castle though, I love going to shell island. Given the name, you would be forgiven for thinking its all about shells. and you would have a point. The thing I remember about it, is the sand dunes, they're massive. I can barely get to the top of them. Its great fun trying though. 
  My aunt owns a bungalow in Harlech, because its high up one of the many harlech hills, it has an amazing view looking across shell island and the bay. so you can watch from the warmth and comfort of your chair as the sun sets.
  Then, a week after I've been to Harlech and back, its my easter holidays (yay!). With my birthday somewhere in the middle of my two weeks off.

Sunday 15 March 2009

The top 31 games the web has to offer

Alright, as the title suggests, this is about my favourite games, and I want to say from the start that not all of these games are for kids, they're worth trying. I'll try to describe them a bit, enjoy! (can I also say that I had lots of fun making this)

1. TG motocross 3 

what can I say? Its very addictive...
try to complete all the levels with the most points you can (by doing tricks)
without being killed to death on some pointy rocks.
the controls are more responsive than TG motocross 2 and it has more levels than TG motocross 3 Australia.

Its actually quite hard... 
you have to try to make it to a city before time runs out (also try to avoid being killed to living death). This has more to do than Last stand 1

I like this game a lot, usually its not the computer controlled plane that kills me, its me crashing into ground trying to do an impossible move...
You are a fighter pilot trying to shoot down other planes (one at a time) without being killed to a fiery death
Tip: let the computer start before you, then fire at him when he's taking off.
This is a million times better than Top dog I

A very good game (as is the hardest game ever 2) the only problem I have with the hardest game ever 2 is that its too hard (I think I missed the point a bit).
You are the red square and you have to collect all the yellow circles without being killed to a not very violent death (by touching the blue circles).

A great time waster, one of the best things about it is you can't be killed to death (unless you run out of time).

You are the driver of a get-away van, you have try to get away from the rozzers.

6. Line Rider 

This is fantastic if you can use your imagination.

you've got to draw the path which the bike/sledge/something else will take.

Line flyer beta is the best.

Tip: if the guy falls off his bike, he will keep moving if he's on a red fast line thing (it will make sense when you play it) despite the fact he's already been killed to death.

7. Falling sand 2

Another great game if you have a good imagination.

There are four different jet streams of sand water salt and oil (unless you change them) and you do want ever you want with them. e.g set the oil on fire

There is a version somewhere on the internet with zombies in it, they can be drowned to death (I think). this has more things to burn/blow up than falling sand I

8. Age of war

This isn't quite as nerdy as it looks (I have to admit its a bit nerdy though), this is a strategic game.

Its about two groups of people fighting (while evolving there weapons, soldiers and bases), you have to destroy the other teams base (and obviously don't let them destroy your base to death)

By the way, the song is glorious morning 

(but I don't think you can buy it)

9. Interactive buddy

You mood can (sort of) effect this game, let me explain. 
The person in this is your friend (you can do loads of things to make him like you), unless you're like me... if you are, there are many things which you can do, e.g hit him a missile, blow him up with a grenade or shoot him repeatedly (there are more things, but I can't be bothered listing them). so if your in a good mood, you might be nice. and if your not, you can kill him to death.

10. Bloons

how do you describe bloons without sounding weird?! 
Its about a monkey sitting/standing on a platform in the sky, trying to pop to death the required amount of bloons (yes I did spell it right) with a certain amount of darts... I think I succeeded.
Also try 

You have to create, release and then evolve a disease to try to wipe out as much of the planets  life as possible, don't even bother playing the first version, its awful.

12. Assassin games
there are so many different assassin games out there (Warning: all have blood & gore), so here's a bunch in no particular order:
I know there are hundreds more, So I've included this to save me lots of time 

Use the skills you learned in the army to defend yourself against terrorists, I prefer this to Bush Shoot out

Your in a ford mustang in a high speed pursuit, you can drive were ever you want, even on the other side of the road (but I wouldn't advise it), however I would advise pulling up next to cars and forcing them onto the other side of the road or into the buildings

really good cricket game, timing is everything (besides shot selection)
More cricket games:

16. Bowling 
one of the best out there (especially when you learn to curl the ball), I don't like the music at the start though

17. Ray I
Live a day in the life of a gangster, Ray II has more to do

A very challenging game, try to trap the black cat. Adults will like this.

Another great game for adults, (but don't be put of if you don't have nose hair).

yes, someone was sad enough to make this (and I'm sad enough to play it).

Do you have the hand/mouse skills of a ninja? you have to complete a series of challenges.

a game of (if I'm honest) luck, if like me your not a fan of hurting kittens there is this instead (or this)

This is a bit like falling sand, if your bored and you have a good imagination, this is great.

a great snooker game, think fast, your against the clock (don't worry though, you have thirty seconds for each shot)

25. Drifting
two great drifting games
sandstorm - your racing opponents 
ice drift - your not

I don't play on this for the game, I play on it because I'm amazed someone actually bothered to make it.

are you an idiot?!

can you repeat one of the greatest moments of the 21st century?

Try to throw crumpled up paper into a bin?

A relatively relaxed, low pressure game. Try to get the ball to the exit 

31. Cubix 
the game that mirrors your every move


Ms Pacman Gives you more lives than normal pacman (this is worth trying as well)
Battleships you know what battleships is...
Sticky wicket A massive rip-off of donkey kong

Monday 9 March 2009

internet stuff... again!

I'm back, and to celebrate my return, I'm going to waste your time (and mine come think of it) by dishing out more internet stuff... again! 

Bono in scotland
I hate Bono
Do you know who i am? I like this...
Racism Actually I prefer this...
11 questions

I laugh so hard when I saw this!

Very pretty

I want these soooooooo much...