Monday 6 April 2009

meaningless randomness

Its 10:41 in the morning, I'm on my computer (obviously, how else could I write this), and I'm bored. I've resorted to reading random articles that only uncyclopedia could have come up with. I should be tidying my room, which is no way to spend your easter holidays. To be fair my room is very messy (I've forgotten what colour the carpet is), but there is very little point. After a week it'll be back to its old ways. Which is partly down to my tidying skills (which are as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike), and partly down to the fact I never throw anything away. I have a kite in my bedroom, I've only used it once, but I don't want to throw it away. I'm convinced I will want/need it at some point. I don't even like it that much. thats what I'm like with everything I own. I guess I'm preparing for every situation. which is why this is the perfect pen-knife for me (in theory)... 
the only problem is, it costs £489.07 (how specific is that) or $728.391 (that was copy and pasted straight off one of the currency translation websites). who has that much money to spend on a penknife?! Also who has the time to find the one they're looking for? 
Still. Who has the space to keep all of my stuff...